Friday, June 17, 2011

First Post!

I decided to start a blog a while after I saw so many moms blogging about their kids. I see a lot of craft ones that I'll eventually follow and I hope to have some of my craft creations up here soon so I can "show off" what I learned from so many other people!

Background story.. my adoring husband and I met in 4th grade and have just about been together since then. We married January 9, 2010 in a big Cinderella Fairytale Winter Wonderland wedding and went to Las Vegas for a weeks honeymoon. I came home feeling weak from the travel and on vacations you just can't lay around! Soon enough we found out that we were expecting a baby in the end of September 2010! We did want to know the sex, we're lame like that, it was a girl! Grant, my husband, received the honor of picking out the first name if I got to choose the middle name. We choose Aubrey Elaine. Pretty, huh!? She's our princess... So now you understand the "Sweetheart Stories" and "Cinderella Mommy hood". =)

Aubrey is almost 9 months old. The other day, the 14th, she started scoot crawling!! It's the cutest thing. (she's obviously our first child). Today, well I guess it's yesterday now, she got on all fours, hands and knees, and started to actually crawl. It's adorable. She started to pull up onto her knees from sitting up awhile ago... bad mom for not documenting that, but I'm taking the chance to do it now! I have taken a picture every month on her "birthday". I'll post those later. She pulled herself all the way up to standing today too!! I'm impressed, but a little broken hearted that my baby is getting so big.

I started planning her birthday party months and months ago and you'll see more about that, our buying a house trials, marriage, and our church and how involved we are in that. I will try to entertain myself! I'll post the crafts I'm so excited about then I'll move onto a new thing. haha. Can't help it! I hope you enjoy the crazy posts of this Cinderella Mommy.

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