Friday, February 10, 2012

Setting Goals.

At school my teacher told us to write out 5 goals for the year, so being the college student I am - I did it. It went a little something like this:

  1.  Read 3 books that will help me learn something I've wanted/needed to learn about. Can't be fictional (i.e. all 3 Hunger Games books I read can't count). 
  2. Work out twice a week for 3 months.
  3. Make 1 new recipe a week for the rest of the year. 
  4. Make and follow a chore chart.
  5. Create items that can be sold online and have my shop operational by the end of the year.
Okay, so my goals aren't the hardest things to accomplish, but I think this is the right kind of challenging. 

"The goal you set must be challenging. At the same time, it should be realistic and attainable, not impossible to reach. It should be challenging enough to make you stretch, but not so far that you break." Rick Hansen

I've been working on these goals, some with more eagerness than others (that chore chart I'm dreading!). We made these goals the first night of class and we're just a month in. I've made progress. Check this out.

1.) I've started to read 2 books and I'm little less than 1/2 the way through with each. I need a suggestion on what to read for the third book. 

2.) I've not done so well on this, but I'm trying real hard. I love yoga and my balance ball. Try it!
3.) Recipes.. this one I've done well on. I love cooking and looking up recipes. I get most of mine off of my pinterest so you can go check all those out. It gets addicting - watch out.
4.) No chore chart, yet. We've come up with the chores that are going on it, but that's all for now. This one is Grant's favorite. =)
5.) Creating items. I do have items in mind, some I've made for Baby already. I've approached Grant about purchasing some supplies to really get started, but right now we need to focus on other things. This will come in the Lord's time if it is meant to be. 

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor." Brian Tracy

"There is no achievement without goals." Robert J. McKaine

"People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." Earl Nightingale

"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination." Fitzhugh Dodson

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Take Me Back Tuesday

It's Tuesday and I've been posting regularly for a few days now so I'm pretty excited, wanna know my trick? I write when I have a couple hours free time and save back posts that don't need to go out right then. I edit it and send it on - 5 mins instead of 30 minutes! Call it cheating if you will, but I won't!

Baby was 1 week old here! Amazing how time flies.

She stopped taking the paci not too long after this shot.

My darling cousin (left) got married and this is at her bridal shower with the towel cake my mom and made for her!

Oh so young.

So pregnant. =)

We're High School sweethearts if you haven't guessed by now. 

My cousins wedding we had button bouquets! So neat! She's actually selling these and a few other items in her etsy shop StudioElix so go check that out!

Baby's first time actually doing anything at the pumpkin patch. She was less than a month old for the 2010 festivities. 

We were Batman, Basketball player (LeBron James to be exact), and a Hershey's Kiss!

My Christmas wreath I made of ornaments. I love it. Not recommended to put outside and it may not fit between the screen door and regular door anyway. If you want to know how I did this you can check out this blog.

I had my wisdom teeth removed on Friday and have been struggling to fully recover the last few days so I've been laying down and research pinterest. Check MINE out and if you need an invite just let me know and I'll shoot you one!

Well, theres a flashback in my life. What times do you remember most in the last few years? Few weeks? Days? Did you capture them with a picture? I'd love to see!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Baby is 1 now!

In the previous post I mentioned that while I was away Baby was still growing up. Sad, but true. We had her 1 year pictures taken by a young lady in our church! 

She had a great time. I think this spring/summer area we'll have our family pictures done again. I think it's so special to be able to look back and see how things change. How often do you get your family pictures done? Just for Christmas cards? That's good timing, but my life is always so hectic I can't make the afternoon to do it so I use the timer function =)

Friday, February 3, 2012

While I was gone...

I knew I'd start this and drift away because I got too busy. True! We moved and then school and whoa, let me tell you! School last semester was insane. I felt like I was just treading in the water and not getting anywhere. This semester has started and we're 3 weeks in (yes, I even have a count down in my planner). I feel like I'm drowning. This past week has been an awful mess. There was just so many little things pushed up against a heart break that I kept telling myself "It's just Satan attacking you. Stay strong!" I believe that the Lord puts us in places where we can do His work for us and sometimes we don't see because we're too busy seeing all that's going "wrong". 

So while I was away Baby turned 1!

 The theme was princess, of course. With pink and green. I made her Tutu and my mom gave her this onesie that has a "1" blinged on it.
 G Daddy and his BF grilling on the deck. We have a bigger grill, but someone didn't put it together ;)

 Everyone seemed taken aback with the hot dogs I selected. We do things big here!!

She sure enjoyed her cake...

The Princess got a new carriage!

Chillin with Daddy as the guests leave.

We had it at our new house and wasn't sure how well it would work. My side of the family is big, plus our close friends, who most have children, and then my in-laws which are 4 people. So I really didn't think having 2 different parties would be beneficial for anyone. Instead, our house was packed! Maybe for the Terrific 2 we'll have more confidence and go outside for some things since there will be over 10 children ages newborn to 4! So you'll see me planning on here and maybe things will be the same that day, maybe not!

Stay tuned ;)